Occupational Health and Safety is an act of taking defensive or obligatory medical procedures for perfecting an existent's heartiness in operating place. Occupational Healthcare and safety is health issue for persons associated with any occupation and it jointly deals with conservation or development of health by identification, treatment and expectation from conditions, sickness, injury and other physical and internal impairments set up in mortal beings. Occupational Health Defines to encompassmulti-disciplinary tasks of safety, health and weal of persons at work. The branch of drug dealing with the forestallment and treatment of job- related injuries and sickness. The main ideal of occupational safety and health programs to foster a safe and healthy working terrain. The main thing of occupational safety and health programs to foster a safe and healthy operating terrain. Institutes ought to give Occupational Health and Safety Degrees for scholars for being specialists in Occupational Health and safety Measures.
Subs- Tracks
Occupational Health and Environmental Safety
Occupational Psychology
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Rehabilitation
Occupational Disease and Human Health
Occupational Health and Hazards
Occupational Industrial Safety and Hygiene
Occupational Health and Safety Administration
Women Health in Occupational Sector
Agricultural Health and Environmental Safety